Tuesday 2 August 2016

It Only Takes 6 Steps to Change Your Life

Hope is the foundational principle for all change. People change because they have hope, and if people do not have hope, they will not change. You are responsible for the changes that you make in your life. The good news? You can change your life if you really want to. You can improve it, make it better. And it all starts with changing the way you think. So are you ready? I am going to walk you through a six-step plan for achieving positive change.

Here’s how you give yourself a little hope:
Step 1: When you change your thinking, you change your beliefs.
Change begins with the mind. Beliefs are nothing more than a byproduct of what you have thought about long enough, something that you have bought into—always remember that. What you believe, what you think, is just a collection of continual thoughts that have formed themselves into a conviction. When you break down the process of thinking into a manageable number of steps, you reduce the perceived risk associated with change.

Step 2: When you change your beliefs, you change your expectations.
Belief is the knowledge that we can do something. It is the inner feeling that what we undertake, we can accomplish. For the most part, all of us have the ability to look at something and know whether we can do it. So in belief there is power… our eyes are opened, our opportunities become plain, our visions become realities. Our beliefs control everything we do. If we believe we can or we believe we cannot, we are correct.

Step 3: When you change your expectations, you change your attitude.
Your expectations are going to determine your attitude. Most people get used to average; they get used to second best. Nelson Boswell said, “The first and most important step toward success is the expectation that we can succeed.”

Step 4: When you change your attitude, you change your behavior.
When our attitude begins to change, when we become involved with something, our behavior begins to change. The reason that we have to make personal changes is that we cannot take our people on a trip that we have not made.

Step 5: When you change your behavior, you change your performance.
Most people would rather live with old problems than new solutions. We would rather be comfortable than correct; we would rather stay in a routine than make changes. Even when we know that the changes are going to be better for us, we often don’t make them because we feel uncomfortable or awkward about making that kind of a change. Until we get courage and get used to living with something that is not comfortable, we cannot get any better.

Step 6: When you change your performance, you change your life.
It is easier to turn failure into success than an excuse into a possibility. A person can fail, turn around and understand their failure to make it a success. But I want to tell you, a person who makes excuses for everything will never truly succeed. Don’t you know some people who just have an excuse for everything? Why they could not, should not, did not, would not, have not, will not. I promise you, when you excuse what you are doing and excuse where you are, and you allow the exceptions, you fail to reach your potential. It is impossible to turn excuses into possibilities.

Source: http://www.success.com/article/john-c-maxwell-it-only-takes-6-steps-to-change-your-life

Sunday 31 July 2016

Give what you want to receive the most. This is one of the most valuable lessons that I can give you. If you want more support, show more support to others. If you want more respect, show more respect to others. If you want more love, just show more love. Then everything will come back to you like a river. THE PROCESS OF GIVING TRIGGERS THE PROCESS OF RECEIVING!

Saturday 30 July 2016

How To Become A Better Morning Person

Who does not know the river: "He stood up with his left foot."? The way you wake up / but will be largely marked the course of the entire day. And therefore, that every day will be the most successful, it is crucial to learn how to stand up "to the right leg" :)

Friday 29 July 2016

Happiness starts with a smile

That smile and a positive attitude have a very high influence on the development of your career is not necessary to waste words. Because laughter is contagious, I'm sure that this video will draw a smile on your face and make a brighter today and the start of the weekend J

Wednesday 27 July 2016


If you are full of fear and doubts you are projecting your internal state to the external circumstances.
To really understand what I'm talking about, try to imagine glasses with colorful glass. Everyone of us has such colored glasses and through these glasses we perceive everything. This is nothing other than a filter through which we strain all our knowledge and experiences. These glasses are made of all beliefs, rules and ways of being and living, which was thought to us by our parents, teachers, friends, and from all other influences, which formed us from birth onwards. They sre fused from all the conversations you've ever had with all the people you've ever met and from all previous experiences. Out of all this came a story (which we sold to ourselves) about how the world works.
Remember that we don't see the world as it is, but just the way we are. So, if your glasses with colorful glass are a mess, will also your life be a mess. If in your glasses there's a belief that says: "You can not become rich in a fair way", then your actions will naturally coincide with that belief and you'll never be rich through honest work.


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Difficult times give you the chance to grow.

The highest mountains form the best climbers. And troubled times create the best leaders.

The most uncomfortable situations are those tests, where the best businessmen come out. Keep in mind that heavy tests never last long, but strong people always do. Difficult conditions are nothing more than a chance to become a hero. Times of trials, both in business and in life are excellent opportunities to transform disaster into success.